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FIFA 18 FUT Birthday

2018-03-28 15:16| FIFA 18  FUT Birthday  FIFA 18 Players 

With the occasion of the ninth anniversary of FUT in FIFA 18 a special event is celebrated with unique cards, exclusive events and rewards. We tell you what it is about and the entire list of letters.

The FIFA Ultimate Team's ninth birthday arrives, and Electronic Arts, to celebrate, has launched a special event where we will have letters, rewards and events for FIFA 18. In this way, FIFA 18 returns to the fray with other special events after the last one we received of the Road to Glory, spring edition.

Thanks to this event, 23 new FIFA 18 players cards were launched that shone years ago in some positions that are different from the ones they currently have. In this way we can see players like Cristiano Ronaldo in his beginnings in the middle or Greth Bale in more defensive work.

Other events that come with the FUT Birthday of FIFA 18 also include the FUT Birthday Squad, several SBC, template creation challenges and even a Saint Patrick.

List of FIFA 18 FUT Birthday players

The FUT anniversary template is made up of players who in previous versions of the game excelled in different positions than they do today, with which we will see surprising changes.

These are the first 4 players on the FIFA 18 FUT Birthday soccer list:

Cristiano Ronaldo (95) Real Madrid - ED

Hazard (91) Chelsea - ED

Bale (90) Real Madrid - LI

Alaba (87) Bayern Munich - MC

If you want to know the complete list, we invite you to enter the website of EA or FIFA 18 to know it. Similarly, on your Facebook you can find a publication or video where you mention them.