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FIFA 23: Player Career set to become everyone's FAVOURITE game mode

2022-08-05 15:26| FIFA Coins  Buy FIFA 23 Coins  FUT 23 

Buy FIFA 23 Coins on U7buy! With brand new details rolling out almost every day, it's time to see how EA has overhauled one of its most overlooked features.

Check out the following to find out why we think Career is going to be everyone's favorite game mode in FIFA 23.

New Features for Player Careers

EA has finally done what the community has been screaming about and invested time and effort in Player Career.

A number of exciting new features have already been announced for the mode, and player personalities and off-field activities are just two of the brand new features introduced this year.

By setting up a mode that combines the superb gameplay of HyperMotion2 with the immersive off-court experience found in the NBA2K series, we could finally see a career worthy of football's biggest gaming franchise.

Major Upgrade

Player Career has seen so many additions this year, and we think that's enough to make the once-forgotten mode a complete fan-favorite.

Off-field events are sure to be a hit, and players can now spend their earnings doing things like buying cars and participating in charity events.

What was once the relentless game of a player's career now feels like it's becoming a full-blown and immersive RPG experience where every decision feels important.

New Favorite

Not many will admit that Career is their favorite mode in FIFA, but the arrival of these new features could change that.

EA's commitment to this mode could lead to great achievements, and many players turned to start their careers.

Fans have been dying to see deeper, stronger player careers over the years, and the arrival of the overhauled system is sure to be music to many players' ears.

Just The Start

No one can deny that The Journey set the stage for today's Player Career, and excitingly, it's just the beginning.

With new features being tried out and yet to be resolved, we could see FIFA 23's career as an exciting foundation for future game development.

There's no question that 2K Games has been king of player careers in recent years, but now it looks like EA is stepping up and cementing their position.