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How to maintain your level after FC 24 Boosting

2024-01-03 17:02| FC 24  FC 24 boosting  FC 24 coins 

Boosting is one of the best ways that you can earn rewards passively in FC24. FC24 coins for sale don’t always come cheap. Choosing to get a boosting service can be an easy way to climb the ranks and get season rewards for the various events in the game. Using a boosting service is a great way to get started, but you’ll need to maintain your rank after you spend the money for a coach or booster to take you up the rankings. In order to maintain playing at a high level so you can keep using your FIFA ultimate team, it’s important to follow some of these top tips for playing the game at a high level.


If you're a fan of FIFA 24, you know that the game is all about strategy and skill. To help you elevate your gameplay, we've put together a list of 10 tips to improve your chances of winning matches. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to dominating the competition in FIFA 24. If you’re ready to start at a high level, check out FC 24 boosting services today.


1. Manual Passes for Precision:

To make precise passes, use the R1 manual pass. It allows you to control the direction of the ball with the right stick, making it easier to make strategic plays that can break through the opposing defense.


2. Playstyles for Enhanced Control:

Each EAFC card comes with unique values and abilities. Mastering specific playstyles gives you more control over your players. For example, L2 helps with defensive maneuvers, while R2 boosts speed. Xbox users can use LT and RT for these functions.


3. Unleash the PowerShot:

The PowerShot is back, and it's more powerful than ever. Charge up your shot by holding down the circle button (B on Xbox) and simultaneously pressing R1 and L1 (LB and RB on Xbox). Remember, long shots and shooting power are crucial stats for scoring those outside-the-box stunners.


4. Prioritize Central Defense:

Defending the middle is key to preventing your opponent from scoring. Use the R button to apply pressure to flanks, and tap R1 followed by a long press to engage multiple defenders.


5. Goal Scoring Tactics:

To score goals, advance towards the baseline and then pass backward into the backcourt or the 5-meter zone.


6. Strategic Goalkeeper Movement:

As soon as your opponent enters your half, use the right stick to position your goalkeeper. This is especially useful when facing opponents approaching from sharp angles.


7. Master the Greentime Finish:

To increase your shot's power and accuracy, use the green time finish. Initiate your shot and then tap the shot button again at the precise moment for a flawless strike.


8. Adaptive Player Change for Counterattacks:

During counterattacks, switch to your last man or central defender. You can activate this feature in settings under "ball-dependent."


9. Manage Pressure Like a Pro:

When under pressure, use a ball roll or the left stick to pivot. Keep an eye on the radar and be ready to pass to your goalkeeper when necessary.


10. Defensive Mastery with Gretsche:

Use the Gretsch move to enhance your defensive radius. Hold R2 and press circle (or B on Xbox) to initiate tackles. For quicker tackles, use the "Slide Tackle" and "Gretsche" playstyles.