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EA FC 2024 - The Basics of defense

2024-02-27 17:28| fc 2024  FIFA   defense  FC 24 coins  tackling 

EA lost the licence to FIFA and their premier soccer/football game is now called EA FC 2024. It’s a name change for the worse, but at least the game has stayed as mediocre as FIFA was in its last days. As mediocre as the EA game franchise has become, it still has a lot of loyal players who will play it no matter what EA does and will buy FC 24 coins to show their loyalty, or to just get stronger players for their teams.


Now, we’re here to show you some of the basics of FC 2024, starting with defense, because as they say - the strongest defense is a good defense… no wait, that’s not how the saying goes - but even so, defense is a major part of any sports game and it feels fitting to start from here.





Duel Timing

Duel’s have been pretty similar since FIFA 21, and if you’ve got a gist of them then - then you’re good to go in FC 2024 as well. There are some slight differences, of course, but if you are optimally positioned with your defender and if your tackling stat is decent, then you will get the ball if you time your tackle at the right moment.


There’s no more of the “ping-pong” effect that used to plague the older games, and thank god for that.


Point is - do the defense and tackling yourself instead of letting the computer do it because it’s more effective and you’ll be reward with getting the ball more often than not


Manual Defending

Piggy-backing off of the previous tip, not leaving the CPU to do your defense for you is way better than letting it fumble an easy tackle. It’s never been more important than in FC 2024 to manually defend as you’re given greater rewards for your efforts, unlike in previous games where the CPU could handle itself way more competently.


Using L2/LT Buttons in defense

This is based on the default button layout, but using the L2 or LT button (depending on what controller you’re using) is still a superb tactic ever since FIFA 20. Namely, FIFA 20 introduced a mechanic where you can press and hold both L2 + R2 buttons to move faster while locking onto a player that you’re defending against, focusing your attention on them. By utilizing L2/LT, you will let less attackers pass and will be more successful in your defense.


However, in situations where you’re in a race against the opponent, it might be wise to let go of the L2 button in order to reach your maximum speed.


Avoid pulling center-backs out of defense

One of the worst noob-traps you can make is pulling out your center back out of defense and becoming wide open for the opposing player to exploit your bad positioning and pass through without much contest. This happens to many players, both veterans and new ones, and you should focus on removing this habit out of your defensive plays.



“Offence wins games, defense wins championships.” - is a phrase that seems to be coined by Bear Bryant, which would be on brand and the saying still holds true. Learn the basics of defense and you’ll have a strong foundation to work off of, unless you want to buy FC 24 coins and build your strongest team through that, in which case click here to get FC 24 coins for cheap.